Back to work

It’s time to look back on the first work week of 2025 :)

First I had this old song stuck in my head for most of the week. Sorry, I had to let it all out!

Morning Pages

I’ve started writing three A4 pages every morning before work. It’s excruciating—I dread the moment all the way to my office—but boy does it feel good when it’s done. It’s all coming from the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, and while I don’t enjoy the spiritual aspects of the book, I find the method interesting. I will be continuing the exercises through the start of the year, and try to report back on my progress here.


Already, I found a positive side-effect of the morning pages: they help me sort my thoughts before starting the day.
That “enlightenment” also pushed me to change the way I juggle my multiple projects.

Previously, I merged all my tasks into one massive todo list then, every morning, I would sit at my desk and select the tasks I needed to work on for the day—then proceed to work all day on completely different things.

Now, each task lives in a different place:

Now, every morning, after writing my pages, I check with myself if I want to work on one project or another, then proceed to work on tasks related to this project.
If something urgent needs to be done, it’s usually top of mind, so I handle it immediately.

With this new organization, I no longer feel like like I’m behind on tasks. Instead, I’m more focused on what I want to work one—like BugBee!


BugBee is a Discord bot designed to help studios manage game feedback and bug reports efficiently. Currently, it allows you to gather player inputs directly from Discord.

With the next update—which should be live next week—I’m adding an API that lets developers integrate feedback submission directly from their games. All reports will be funneled into the same Discord feedback channel, making it easy to track them. It’s the final feature I wanted before actively talking about it!

Game1 Pre-Production

I also made some progress on selecting a content workflow for my next game. My current prototype, built with Godot + FuncGodot + TrenchBroom, works really well for what I want to achieve, buuuuut I wanted to try one last approach: I’m experimenting with a prototype built without Godot, instead using Odin + Sokol and having it load bsp maps from Hammer++. I really like working without an editor—except for making maps obviously.

That said, I really need to get better at making levels :)

I also played some games


This week, I tried Enshrouded with some friends and we all enjoyed it!
What I like about it:

Things I don’t like that much:


I know I’m late to the Balatro party, but I’m glad I finally came: it’s a hell of a party!
Like everyone else, I’m addicted!

I believe that’s all for this week!
Talk to you next time :)

#life #gamedev #games