The Annual Goal Awards 2022

Lady and gentlemen!
Friends and Family!
This guy!
Welcome to the annual, yearly, 1st ceremony of the 2022 Goal Awards!
Let’s get right into it.

2022 Goals

I started 2022 with some goals, let see how they did this year!

- Lose weight

After winning the Most original new year resolution award, this goal was dedicated to achieve itself. Well… pauses for dramatic effect… it did not!
Still let’s give it a participation medal for staying here all year and not swapping place with its more performing brother: Gaining weight

- Release games

Started as the most ambitious goal of 2022, transformed itself into: Release a game a month from September to December.
It did manage to release 2 games - but will this be enough?

- Take care of my family and our house

This goal did very well for himself!
I’m lucky to have such a supporting family, a never ending sweetener for those never ending house lemonades! Thank you Life.

- Grow professionally

Most well defined goal of the year, the only one that managed to be fully completed: it’s easy to grow when you don’t specify direction and length.

2023 Goals

- Lose weight


- Release games


- Take care of my family and our house

Ok I see where this is going…

- Publish more game dev content

**Gasps Gasps Gasps**


Yes, my goals for this year did not change a lot.
They are more a statement of where I want to go rather than actually what I need to achieve this year.
Let’s hope next year will be as good as this one!

Enjoy your end of year celebrations!