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Hi friends!
I hope you all had a great week.

Last week I talked about how I had more time than I anticipated to be gamedev’in, well turns out that this week was the opposite. I thought I would have 10 hours, but I only had 4: sometimes I’m too burned-out by my day job to open an editor in the evening.
Anyway, I still made a bit of progress, here’s what the todo-list looks like now:


I wanted to add a special mechanic to the game, and VimJam3 gave me the prompt I needed.
Like usual there’s a Theme in this jam, and this year it’s Turn up the Heat. You can get inspired by it, and it will be taken into account by the voters, but it’s not required in your submission. There is another constraint though: a Focus, that you need to implement in your game. This year it was Multi-Use, and even though I was not planning on participating, it did spawn an idea in my head: a shield that can be use to block, charge (dash), or to be thrown at enemies. A really unique idea, no one ever thought of; not even Blizzard or Marvel.

Diablo3 Paladin

I added it to the todo-list, but I don’t think I will have time to get to that point: I only have 20hours remaining.

Gitlab CI/CD

Implementing a automatic build and deployment system was fairly easy! Just setup all the needed export in godot and, with the file export-config.cfg committed, add a .gitlab-ci.yaml based on and voilà!

Screenshot of my gitlab-ci pipeline

I will definitively keep this setup for my next games.

One last thought

I’m reading Atomic Habits by James Clear at the moment, and I wanted to share one idea that resonated with me:

Focus on the process, not the outcome

Here it is!
Thanks a lot for reading and have a great week!