State Machines for Attacks
I’m currently implementing super attacks for my autobattler rogue like set in space.
The goal is to have each turrets being able to perform unique super attacks on certain conditions.
I started with a simple MonoBehavior attached to the turret. Then when I wanted to create a second super attack, I had to duplicate a bunch of the code. So I factored what I could in a parent class.
I couldn’t implement the 3rd attack with the previous design, so I ended up deleting most of it and implementing a simple State Machine, with 2 states.
The 1st state is the IdleState, it’s only job is to check if the condition needed to activate the special attack is met:
public abstract class Super : MonoBehaviour
private StateMachine stateMachine;
private State superIdleState;
private State superPerformState;
private void Awake()
stateMachine = new StateMachine();
superIdleState = new State("SuperIdleState", updateHandler: UpdateStateIdleState);
// ...
private void UpdateStateIdleState()
if(CanSuperBePerformed()) stateMachine.ChangeState(superPerformState);
private void Update()
// Check function MUST be implemented
protected abstract bool CanSuperBePerformed();
The 2nd state gives us the tool to implement the special attack it self:
public abstract class Super : MonoBehaviour
public float EffectDuration = 0.5f;
private float currentEffectDuration = 0.0f;
private void Awake()
stateMachine = new StateMachine();
superIdleState = new State("SuperIdleState", updateHandler: UpdateStateIdleState);
superPerformState = new State( "SuperPerformState", enterHandler: OnEnterPerformState, updateHandler: OnUpdatePerformState, exitHandler: OnExitPerformState);
// ...
private void OnEnterPerformState()
currentEffectDuration = EffectDuration;
private void OnUpdatePerformState()
currentEffectDuration -= Time.deltaTime;
if(EffectDuration != -1 && currentEffectDuration <= 0.0f) {
private void OnExitPerformState()
protected virtual void PerformEffectOnceAtStart() {}
protected virtual void PerformEffectOnceAtEnd() {}
protected virtual void PerformEffectTick() {}
protected virtual void EnableEffect() {}
protected virtual void DisableEffect() {}
This system gives us a lot of flexibility to create new super attack.
I’m sure it will evolve again in the future so subscribe to the newsletter if you want to follow along!