Does the deck do the pitching?

Hey friends!
Hope you all had a grandiosa week.

On my side I’ve been hard at work on a pitch deck.
Yep, you read that correctly and I hope I’ll be able to share a bit more soon!

OctoberNovember’s game

October is coming to an end, and I’m not ready at all to release pong-moba, the multiplayer game I’m working on.
The good thing is, I did released a game in October, so this one can be the November game!

I also found out that someone released the game I was making, but better

Congratulations to them, the game looks awesome!
Don’t worry I’m still doing mine ;)

The todo list didn’t move much since last week:

Open sourcing the games

I just open source all monthly games, you can check them here:

pong-moba will join them soon!


Alright folks, that’s all for this week!
See you next time!