Looking Back on September

Hi friends, I hope you had a great week!

To start off, I wanted to reflect back on September a bit.

At the start of the month, I challenged myself: I’d be gamedev’in 10 hours a week and releasing a micro game every month. Well, so far so good! In September I released a micro platformer, and I even released a new game this week!
To be fair, the scope of both these games is incredibly small, but they got me started. With 3 weeks to go in October, I’ll aim for a little bit bigger scope - in the form of a multiplayer game.

This week though, I didn’t do much game development. It was still a pretty productive week. Let’s dive in!


I released loupyestu, the puzzle game I was working on, on itch.io. Here is the page if you want to try it:

The first 3 levels are tutorials, while the last 2 are a bit more puzzly. Nothing crazy though, I found very difficult to come out with good puzzles. First I’m not a big puzzle player, and the set of mechanism I added is a bit simplistic.

Anyway, here’s what the todo list looked like at the end:

As you can see, I didn’t add menus and saves. That’s because I already added them to my other project of this week:

godot starting template

I started working on a template for all my games. It’s open source, and you can find it here: https://gitlab.com/thibaudio/godot_game_template. There’s still a lot missing, but I’m planning to add more features while I’m building new games.


Another project I started this week was a custom window manager, inspired by the one Kebabskal built.
The goal is to be able to tag a window, for example godot, and have it handle by the window manager. Then it will just stacked all the tagged window in a dedicated portion of my screen. It’s in rust and not finished at all, but you can still check it out here: https://github.com/thibaudio/rust-nested-window-manager.

cherry on top

This week I even spent some time revamping my site: I updated the front page a bit, and also added a space to showcase my projects.

Next game project

With that said, it’s time to get back in the gamez! This week I’ll start working on my new project. For now, all I know is that it will be a 2vs2 multiplayer game with 10-15min session time.
More on that next week!


All right, thanks for reading!
See you all next time.

P.S. This awesome tweet